
The Lord’s Table

We observe the command “this do in remembrance of me” weekly, devoting an entire meeting (typically an hour long) to hymns, devotional observations, and prayers focused on the various aspects of redemption in Christ Jesus, particularly his vicarious death on the cross. During this meeting all men in attendance, provided they are born again and walking uprightly, are free to call out hymns, share from the Scriptures, or lead the congregation in prayer.

(1 Corinthians 11:23-26, Acts 20:7, Acts 2:42, 1 Peter 2:5-9)

The Devotional Head Covering

We encourage the ladies to wear the devotional head covering during the meetings of the church. While most evangelicals have let go of this ancient practice on the plea that it is merely cultural, we retain it, observing that this sign of authority and headship is a universal practice based on God’s established order, not a local practice based on human custom. We further observe that the phrase “for the angels’ sake” implies both its significance in spiritual warfare and its validity for the duration of this age, until the binding of the fallen angels at the second coming of the Lord. The devotional head covering is an important New Testament symbol that should be maintained along with the Lord’s Table and baptism.

(1 Corinthians 11:1-16)

The Woman’s Place

Though it has become politically correct to allow women to fill the pastoral office and engage in the pulpit ministry of the church, we tremble more at the plain statements of the Bible than we do at the scoffing of the world. We see in Scripture that God never intended for women to pastor or teach in the congregation. We further see that women, by divine commandment, are not permitted to speak in the congregation. Therefore women in our meetings neither hold the office of pastor/elder, nor engage in pulpit ministry, nor speak in the meetings. This limitation on the woman’s role in the local church does not demean women. A difference in role does not imply that women are inferior or less important or less favored of God. As Christ is not demeaned by having the Father for his head, and man is not demeaned by having Christ for his head, so woman is not demeaned by having man for her head.

(1 Corinthians 14:34-37, 1 Timothy 2:9-14, 1 Corinthians 11:3)

Plurality in Leadership and Ministry

We practice plurality in the pastoral office and in pulpit ministry because we observe this pattern in the New Testament. Moreover, we appreciate its robust practicality — it divides the work load and secures a broader expression of spiritual gift in the various spheres of care for the flock. We would point out that the New Testament uses the terms pastor, elder, and overseer interchangeably for the pastoral office and that it distinguishes the office of pastor from that of teacher, though some men are gifted for both.

(Acts 20:17, Acts 11:30, Acts 14:23, James 5:14, 1 Timothy 5:17, Ephesians 4:11-12)